Raven’s Grin Inn 2021

Raven’s Grin Inn
Mount Carroll, IL
Reviewed on: Multiple Times

Vital Signs:
Number of seasons-to-date: 35
House originally built: 1800’s
Number of actors: 1
Setting: Indoor/Outdoor
Unique features:
 Wine cellar, paranormal activity, and bed slide

In the world of haunted houses and Halloween attractions, there are few things that are agreed upon. There is always a debate to be had over the use of: chainsaws or not using chainsaws, blood and gore or no blood and gore, real actors or animatronics props, make-up or masks, and the list goes on and on. To cut to the chase, if there is something in the haunted house industry, there is most likely a heated debate about it.

One of the exceptions to the rule seems to be Raven’s Grin Inn in Mount Carroll, IL. Located about 2-1/2 hours west of Chicago, on a dead-end street, in a small main-street town in rural America. There, at 411 N. Carroll Street, sits one of the most amazing and captivating attractions most have ever seen. To the majority of visitors, it is not their first or second visit to the house. Some recall 5 or 10 visits, while others say their numbers are 20+.  Regardless of how many times they return, the house always captivates and mesmerizes.

For me personally, I can count at least 40 visits to the house over the past 20 years. (Yes, I do go in the off-season, as they are open YEAR-ROUND.) One of the great things about Raven’s is that no matter how many times you go, there is always something new to see. Not necessarily because there is always new items being added, but because there is so much to be seen, it can’t be taken in on just one trip… or two trips… or three… You get my drift.

But, to get back to my original point, if there is one thing in this industry that everyone can agree about, it would have to be Jim Warfield and Raven’s Grin Inn. It touches everyone from the moment you drive into the parking lot.

Why? Because there is no equivalent.

There is no other attraction that is quite like this one.
There is no master of ceremonies quite like Jim Warfield.
There is no house quite like Raven’s Grin Inn.

People always ask, “If it is so good, why isn’t number one on your Top Ten list?” It is above the list, over it, and beyond it. Nothing compares to it.

It is not just an attraction; it is a destination and an experience.

But, the real question is, how was our tour?

That’s the easy part. One word review: Perfect.

Monsters of Note: It goes without saying, but the one, the only, Mr. Jim Warfield.

But, don’t just take our word for it, check out media from our visits:

***Please note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Raven’s Grin Inn is and has been temporarily closed. While they are awaiting the perfect time for reemergence, please help support these amazing people by going to their Etsy story at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/RavensGrinArt

–Official Haunted House Chicago Review Team Review