Heap’s Haunted Corn Maze 2018

Minooka, IL
Reviewed on: Friday, October 12, 2018

Located in the southwest suburb of Minooka, Illinois, nestled about an hour away from Chicago, awaits the Heaps Haunted Corn Maze. For those that may not be aware, there aren’t very many haunted corn mazes in the Chicagoland area, so the fact that this attraction is right in our backyard makes it a high anticipation for us to review each year! What makes this place even more special is it might be some of the oldest property used for a haunted attraction! The farm was founded in 1860 and is currently operated by the 5th-generation family operator!

Stepping onto the grounds that cover over 8 acres of corn, we once again prepared ourselves to take on anything (and everything) that could be lurking in the shadows. The mind is certainly your greatest enemy! Now, for those that have never been to Heaps, during the day, they are a fully-functioning pumpkin farm that has daytime activities for families and kids. But, when the sun goes down, the creatures of the corn awaken from their slumber to feast on the unknowing souls wandering where they shouldn’t belong.

And a special shout-out to great farming and Mother Nature, because the corn was at the tallest we have experienced! Combined with a moonless-sky and mid-30’s temperature, the fog lingered just perfectly planting the scene to be ripe with scares.

While Heap’s isn’t technically a “maze”, (although it is “maize”) it is chock-full of twists and turns along a dirty path cut right into the corn. The trail is broken up by small open scenes and “stages” filled with traditional haunted house vignettes.

Actors here have a LOT to play with and have the clear advantage. Not only do they have the corn and special effect lighting, but with a perfect natural sky, the mind can create all types of creatures staring back at them! The Heap’s crew has amazing stamina, perseverance, and actors who consistently waited ever so patiently for the perfect moment to attack. To be fair, one of the actors had the perfectly-timed attack as we were about to enter a claustrophobia tunnel, and got the perfect jump-scare on one of our head reviewers! Bravo to that scare actor!

One highlight to mention is the red and white curtain “shack.” Filled to the brim with fog and smoke, there were multiple “doorways” inside that had to be felt to be found. We had plenty of surprises and quickly found out that we were not alone! Another noteworthy scene is the butcher shop and its hog heaven. But, finally, this show’s finale is something to certainly scream about!

Monsters of Note: Giggles, Fluffy, Squeaks, and the clowns under the big top tent

The Bottom Line:  If you’re looking to have a fun and spooky evening, with the advantage of being outdoors, you definitely want make the trip out to Heap’s Haunted Corn Maze. Using natural beauty to turn the ordinary into nightmares, Heaps is certainly on the top of their game when it comes to delivering an “a-maizing” (sic), terrifying performance! Make sure this is on your list for this is a unique attraction that must be felt!

 – Official Haunted House Chicago Review Team Review